kind of my, mine, home

Flyer for my march nts show

Black and white screenshot of a handwritten letter in polish from the 60s

Black and white image of girl jumping on a bed in a shirt that says POLLY

Old sign that says renowacja starych mebli

Clothing tag that says Maureen Muck Cologne

Doors in the atrium in Haus der Kunst

Telegram work by On Kawara that says I am still alive

Doll and puppet shop seen through window

Clocks made by children in shop window, one is an owl another the face of a werewolf

Trees/garden in front of Deutsches Theatermuseum

Rathaus in Munich

Rathaus in Munich detail, frog in flowers in iron?

Rathaus in Munich

Rathaus in Munich

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Flower Planet opening

Stacja Pl. Stacja poster at Bunkier Sztuki

Stacja Pl. Stacja print ephemera at Bunkier Sztuki

Stacja Pl. Stacja postcard works at Bunkier Sztuki

Stacja Pl. Stacja postcard works at Bunkier Sztuki

works by andrzej partum

head of the king in zuzanna bartoszek's painting

screenshot from jaques rivette interview book that says to think of her and to wonder what she is doing

my mother in a sporting magazine when she was a runner

marilia in bonnet i made her

pic of 1970s band Slapp Happy

pic of 1970s band Slapp Happy

outtake scan of a tag on wool pants with my hand showing

cream truck that says California with funny 90s decals decorating

blue truck with a horse made from water decal on the side

silver car with green rear view mirror

many fallen fall leaves on the trail in planty

a set of smoked glass vessels including two vases or jugs and a decanter

two abstract paintings showing shapes and forms in earthy reddish tones

close up of a painting showing a pointed blue cone or hat, a black square, a person in dark glasses, a kind of button and other abstract forms

abstract still life of lines and circles in shades of green

still life showing a red pan and milk pot on a table against a green wall and a window showing buildings

abstract painting showing various organic blobs and forms in grey black white and red tones

abstract still life painting showing glasses a tablecloth and very red apples

painting titled the demon showing a man and a woman at a bistro table, the woman with her head on the table the man sitting at a sinister coy angle

painting of a young girl in grey dress holding flowers

building with a rainbow of fall vines on it

scan of my passport photo edited so my face is wavy

old picture for a crocheted winter cap bonnet

amazing mustard yellow glass lamp at hala targowa that cost 2000 zloty

photo of old postcard records in zakupy in prl book

wooden inside of zabytkowy tram

wooden inside of zabytkowy tram

leather straps on zabytkowy tramwaj from 1956

leather straps on zabytkowy tramwaj from 1956

pic of windowsill showing a bowl with a spoon sticking out and a tea towel covering the bowl

funny bar mleczny lunch of nalesniki and pea soup with sausage

marilia's temu haul

screenshot of a label name from vinted that reads you dont know me

screenshot of a product name from vinted that reads ugly sweater

marilia on street in her beautiful coat

plants and mixer at w brzask

me sonia and staś eating fruit gel at 4:50am

me holding up tea cup at 4:45am

radio lola

missing toy sign in praga

bakery sign in praga

mięso wędliny shop in praga

selfie in airbnb

klub zaproszenie

trams in warsaw

trams in warsaw

train to warsaw

train to warsaw

momo plate

art in woods in katowice

art in woods in katowice

art in woods in katowice

art in woods in katowice

art in woods in katowice

flowers in katowice

marilinha on the street

blanket hanging on scaffolding in my building's backyard

nikifor painting with a shirt on top of a building

trying waters in krynica

view from balon widokowy

view from balon widokowy

view from balon widokowy

meeky's goose rosol

watermelon chłodik

pretty embroidered detail on slip skirt

sonia on radio syg ma

jane birkin nude screenshot from jane b movie

art piece in pavilion 12

art piece in pavilion 12

pretty old purse in muzeum czapski

filizanki in muzeum warszawy


restaurant in old town warszawa

sculpture in old town warszawa

old town warszawa

old town warszawa

old town warszawa

old town warszawa

world of music sign in old town warszawa

old town warszawa

birthday galette

sammie on sukienicca terrace

tote with cute cat illustration on it

open window in my stairwell

holding kiszone ogorki jar with hearts on lid

my first jagodzianka

staś on noods radio

tree art piece in pasmanteria made out of buttons

torebki torebki shop

green leather backback in torebki shop

tag on white linen shirt that says Oui

tag on men's checkered shirt that says symphony on ice

scent notes one of which is big strawberry

screenshot of red roses from angel dust film

pink villa

pigeon in stairwell

my sandals in the grass

theo's show on nts

blue tights next to packaging

gdansk from bridge

cute house in sopot

fish and chips

sonia recoding by the sea

sonia by the sea

breakfast at plenum in gdansk

beautiful clown grafitti

weird orange plastic thing on green frame at plac na stawach

screenshot from tokyo twilight girl with bow in hair with head turned

screenshot from tokyo twilight shot of a bar sign and translation the eel

books and paper ephemera spilled all over the place at hala targowa

church/cloister in the sun

czarny bez i picked

sonia chat hkcr

amazing flowers at stary kleparz

adina's show on odyxxey

screenshot from movie queen of diamonds

screenshot from movie mis

lp clarinet at hala targowa

salad drying on tea towel

old sign that says kasze ziarna zbóż at stary kleparz

me eating kardamonkę and coffee at stary kleparz

antek's instruments on the table at krakowska

sonia on a log in park

pretty wrapping paper in antique shop

picture of pierrot

girl looking at buttons in antique shop

witam picture on door of antique shop

villa by jubilat

poster of me and sonia's dj set on door

bałagan on bed

matchbook translated text from russian

matchbook translated text from russian

book at targ called how to talk and write properly

my room

branches and other stuff i bought at targ

buildings in centrum

buildings in centrum

candle drawing by sonia

drawing from katy bentall's greenwriting

drawing from katy bentall's greenwriting

drawing from katy bentall's greenwriting

drawing from katy bentall's greenwriting

drawing from katy bentall's greenwriting

sklep papiernyczy with a huge decal on the window showing a pen drawing in yellow

tile with image of cow from old bar mleczny in warsaw

interior of restaurant seen thru window

pretty silk scarf from mateusz

music note cookies at turnus

book with drawing of kids clothes at turnus

bar mir

kuba and zuzia in warsaw

pretty balcony sun room with stained glass and other backs of houses in krakow

4leaf clover pin seen in window among other pins

pretty sunset seen from salwator

pretty sunset seen from salwator

pretty sunset seen from salwator

pretty sunset seen from salwator

rogalik in poznan

stas bag in poznan

street in poznan

takie rzeczy in poznan

clementines in bag on train

window with deer decal

my new ring

screenshot of thing saying ill save 6zł if i purchase different printer ink

google screenshot of suggested search what is conan mockasin up to

ceramic pierrot playing guitar at hala targowa

women holding a kind of virgin mary bust at hala targowa

thrifted pillowcase with hand stitched section looking to me like teeth

pic of my comp showing vinted sklepik

theo playing at kiosk radio

book japanese women artists in new york

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

philip guston exhibition at the tate modern

standing candelabra with candles through window in thrift shop in london

satin shorts with W. Shakespeare text and fish graphic printed on front

clothing tag with hotmail address printed on it

wigilia table

beautiful painting of glass of water and rose at antique shop in crystal palace

vintage ceramics at antique shop in crystal palace

homes in crystal palace

apartments in crystal palace

view of red brick house from my window in london

screenshot from film company of strangers showing undergarmets drying outside

screenshot from film company of strangers showing hands cutting friut

anna karina grave

anna karina grave

chopin grave

claude chabrol grave

gertrude stein grave

gertrude stein grave

line of trees path in paris

almond croissant

on the way down from sacre cour

view from sacre cour

eifel tower

eifel tower

old neighbourhood in paris

the seine

super foggy landscape on train from brussels to paris

margiela dress made from other dresses in fashion museum in antwerp

margiela dress made from other dresses in fashion museum in antwerp

worn away silk outfit in fashion museum in antwerp

patched woolen blankets art piece in fashion museum in antwerp

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker shoes and socks in fashion museum in antwerp

old white day dress or pregnancy dress in fashion museum in antwerp

old edwardian day dress in fashion museum in antwerp

fabric samples in fashion museum in antwerp

ball dress in fashion museum in antwerp

building in antwerp

levi tag in antwerp

levi in antwerp



little porcelain heels in thrift shop in brussels

little porcelain boots in thrift shop in brussels

apartment buildings in brussels

candlestick holders in art nouveau house in brussels

candlestick holders in art nouveau house in brussels

art nouveau house in brussels

palais de justice in brussels

buildings with stained glass in brussels

adorable butter ceramic holder in brussels

trees with baubles in brussels

cafe in rotterdam

angelina in rotterdam

print out of eva meijer poem a wolf is a wolf in rotterdam

book by alaa abu asad in rotterdam

book by alaa abu asad in rotterdam

flower bulbs at market in amsterdam

old town amsterdam

old town amsterdam

old town amsterdam

beautiful cafe in amsterdam

books at amsterdam library

book at amsterdam library

book art at amsterdam library

LA and s*an at library

boat view from amsterdam hotel

foggy view from amsterdam hotel

pociag film title

wystawa at nowa huta museum

wystawa at nowa huta museum

wystawa at nowa huta museum

babcia room at mocak

video at mocak

pretty window on dietla with staroci

bonnie camplin cover for decemberism

jerzy nowosielski book

jerzy nowosielski book

piękny piec w ogrodzie botanicznym

album cover for old polish lp rudy rydz

funny exhibitor title at targi książki

marilia looking thru fashion book at targi książki

inside of old walizka label louis vuitton

game in window called wsiac do pociagu europa

plakat for our show at bemma bar

looking up to cathedral from hotel window

sign bar mleczny miś we wrocławiu

plakat for spalarnia i ehh hahah tour

text screenshot and intertextilisation of fashion industry due to synthetic fibres

google translate polish to english

french women modeling in neiman marcus campaign

pic of silk museum in lyon

mushroom kebab marilia made

my horoscope from rob breszny

number 1 tram on starowiślna thru our apartment window

scan of my new silk shirt

kostium at teatr słowackiego

titles of album that are arranged in a sentence

dinner with sonia

picture of old knoll showroom in paris

picture old of woman cant remember who

album cover of jean ritchie's songs from my kentucky mountain family

really interesting plant pot i got at hala targowa that has a double layer drainage bottom, holes and then a thatched bottom

tyniec kwiaty

tyniec kwiaty


żurek benydytski w tyńcu

marilia w tyńcu

stary kleparz

liisi beckman puzzle piece chairs

parker posey in party girl holding up sign that says ny public library

staś dj at KMWTW

drugie śniadanie w sokołowsku

hanging speakers installation sokołowsko

bits of wood sculpture w sokołowsku

view of domek w sokołowsku

pierwszy śniadanie w sokołowsku

street in sokołowsko

street in sokołowsko

view from domek in sokołowsko

view from domek in sokołowsko

in the car to sokołowska wojtek's music on radio

my new cd player and japanese inhale's cd

violin display of minis at the violin store at plac wolnica

old krakow guide book at hala targowa

old piec tiles at hala targowa

old wooden horse at hala targowa

old typewriter with huge top part that u push across at hala targowa

old typewriter in case at hala targowa

nz map at hala targowa

taxidermy wiewiorka at hala targowa

pretty folky bowl with girl on it at hala targowa

młody kotek and lemta toro show in krakow

młody kotek and lemta toro show in krakow

hand-drawn sign in kazimerz that reads PRASOWALNIA BIELIZNY

antikwariat na kazimerzu

birthday kremówka

birthday flowers and custard tart from m

picnic with marilia

marilia in window of train

light on carousel at rabkoland

marilia getting into rzeka by wodospad



view from mountain of church spires poking thru trees

marilia walking down mountain among flowers

drzewniana wieża

our names written on the wood of the wieża

old dark wooden pensjonat building with sign truskawka

flowers in window from inside w domku w rabce

tower of sticks thru which special rabka water falls w rabce

framed quote at goralski muzeum about looking for happiness within yourself

tapestry map thing at goralski muzeum w rabce

me holding up half-eaten peach at nasz domek w rabce

flower beds in window with red flowers at nasz domek w rabce

swing seat at nasz domek w rabce

nasz domek w rabce

polish heads of military and state meeting about russia with strawberry snack on table

bernadette van huy sitting with sandwich in head wrap and white top

title screen that says constance de jong from constance de jong reading video on vimeo

title screen that says modern love from constance de jong reading video on vimeo

constance de jong sitting in darkness in modern love reading video

photobooth selfie showing white top and black vest

trees outside apartment one with red leaves

sklep spożywcy sign that says warzywa owoce

Me and marilia both wearing red tops and jeans

Red sweater onto which I sewed cute old tag from another shirt

Louise Bourgeois plates from book He disappeared into complete silence

Louise Bourgeois plate from book He disappeared into complete silence that reads Once a man was telling a story, it was a very good story too, and it made him very happy, but he told it so fast that nobody understood it.

Ana Mendieta video piece shot where she walks away after pulling bloody or red paint handprints down wall

Half finished childrens drawing at National Museum in Oslo

Beautiful old kitchen install at National Museum in Oslo aka me as a kitchen

Beautiful old kitchen install at National Museum in Oslo aka me as a kitchen

Beautiful old kitchen install at National Museum in Oslo aka me as a kitchen

Beautiful old kitchen install at National Museum in Oslo aka me as a kitchen

Beautiful stacking glass storage jars by Wilhelm Wagenfeld

Amazing wooden red platform shoes I think from 50s or 70s at National Museum in Oslo

Detail of portrait of a guy earing these crazy square toe boots with cowboy spurs and super flowy meshy stockings

Pretty painting with cherries fruits lemon grapes

Painting of peeled lemon with some juice dripping off the rind

Amazing glass alternpiece candleholder at National Museum aka me as a piece of glass

Wall of paintings for sale at thrift store

Lynn calendar hanging in Doris' room

Damstredet and Telthusbakken in Oslo

Damstredet and Telthusbakken in Oslo

Amazing szafa kind of Adam and Eve fantasy vibe

Sewing samples at National museum in Oslo

Sewing samples at National museum in Oslo

Louise Bourgeois painting of woman in front of farmhouse at National Museum in Oslo

Pretty old home by Mausoleum

Amazing hanging herb cabinet at Folkmuseeum

Old coffee grinder, breadbox and other stuff at Folkmuseeum

Little field of I think grapeseed flowers at Folkmuseeum

Old cottage/storeroom at Folkmuseeum

Old cottages at Folkmuseeum

Edvard Munch Death in the Sickroom at Munch Museum

Edvard Munch Dead Mother and Child 1897-99 at Munch museum

Edvard Munch Red Virginia Creeper 1898-1900

sarah infront of munch painting Red Virginia Creeper 1898-1900

sarah infront of munch painting Red Virginia Creeper 1898-1900

red brick building is oslo

violin at thrift store

box of buttons at thrift store

chalk sign outside shop that shows cherries and texts moreller

oslo from the flybussen

oslo from the flybussen

pretty decorative hanging tapestry showing boys fishing

holding up my copy of The Books of Jacob

pretty panes of glass with stain or detailing lying abandoned in garden plot

pretty title detailing in entryway of building

squiggly piece of spring garlic

clocks at zegarmistrz

old version of calino's invisible cities with pretty design

screenshot of the town of kątki in poland, that has the outline of a shape of a duck

Flag of a vegetarian association, 1913, via atlas terreau tumblr


screenshot from nathalie granger, a piece of paper that says in french nathalie's do not touch

screenshot from nathalie granger, two women in kitchen

w podgorzie, willa

w podgorzie, willas i kosciół

pavlova de marlii

bazylia plant holding by street

stary prawdopodobnie autobus z latach 60 jeździ po mieście

screenshot from low tech magazine

babcia corner na regale

young duras

shoulder on trench i sold

marilinha on tram to hala targowa

marilinha on tram to hala targowa

sceenshot from perfect blue

calendar from isz szi studio




painting by artur nacht samborski

max for yohji

max for yohji

max for yohji

screenshot from liquid imaginaires beaute du diable that says grant favours to the one who possessess you

lyrics from song i love

after alchemia











Screenshot from Willow Springs that says Kostüme Spaghetti, Daisy, Goodwill

M in train to Warsaw

Screenshot for Sublokator showing Kraszewskiego St.

Corsztyn and Niedzica castles from viaduct area

Handpainted sign for smoked cheese near Niedzica castle

Niedzica castle outside

Niedzica castle outside

Marilia in Niedzica castle chapel

Piec tiles in Niedzica castle museum

Piec tiles in Niedzica castle museum

Niedzica castle museum

Niedzica castle

Our room in Niedzica castle

Niedzica castle

Niedzica castle

Niedzica castle

Frozen lake from entrance to Niedzica castle

silk josfer top

dada costumes

dada costumes

from koumiko mystery cutie toddler in bucket hat and coat

from koumiko mystery cutie toddler in bucket hat and coat

text screenshot how did galileo changed the world

woman from baxter, vera baxter in beautiful top with double collar and suede jacket and brooch

woman from baxter, vera baxter standing in window in living room

Agata's street on google maps

painting by jerzy nowosielski

painting by jerzy nowosielski

painting by jerzy nowosielski

painting by jerzy nowosielski

painting by jerzy nowosielski

manaam róża album cover

os mutantes in witch hats

screenshot of google drive that says file last updated 1970

info about steve reich's triple quartet

blonde in bed from film sudden manhattan

screenshot of roses from film sudden manhattan

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, man and child drawing that says every child is an artist

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, ad with topless blondes

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, photos of Akademia Ruchu actions

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, legs in a field

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, net manifesto

photo from polish art of the 1970s book, men standing outside of galeria tak

google translate screen na starcie podgorze


red coat im trying to sell with blown-out light

flower in window

paint stripes on building


Screenshot from polish art from the 1970s book

Girbaud clothing lines

boats and bridge and river


willa by wisła

maya deren

maya deren

maya deren

maya deren

beautiful jacket

from my life as a dog beautiful little playhouse summerhouse thing in green trees

from my life as a dog beautiful house in green trees

ethnographic museum painting

ethnographic museum pretty yelow chest with red flowers

ethnographic museum print of gruszki

moje rzeczy w kawiarnii lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

muzeum etnograficzny lanckorona

słoik z przypway lanckorona

stare zdjęcie z willy słoneczniej lanckorona

stare zdjęcie z willy słoneczniej lanckorona

ulica dom ogród lanckorona

widok i fioletowe niebo lanckorona

dom i fioletowe niebo lanckorona

widok lanckorona

drzewniany dom i ogród lanckorona

drzewniany dom i ogród lanckorona

drzewniany dom i ogród lanckorona

ulica lanckorona

drzewniany dom lanckorona

drzewniany dom lanckorona

sign with angels lanckorona

anioł sign lanckorona

pretty lamp in shop lanckorona

tapestry on wall lanckorona

nasz pokój lanckorona

nasz pokój lanckorona

nasz pokój lanckorona

nasz nocleg lanckorona

ryek lanckorona

train from window to lanckorona

beautiful building in SP on the way to station to lanckorona

house interior in lanckorona found online before going there

house in lanckorona found online before going there

house in lanckorona found online before going there

screenshot of field with cows from the gleaners and i

text screenshot after boiling reduce heat and hum to a broth, in translation

screenshot of field from the gleaners and i

little 8-bit mushroom icon

it grows on the leaves of the water lily

riding krakow eye

riding krakow eye

riding krakow eye

riding krakow eye

other names for swiss chard, notably perpetual spinach

teatr słowackiego

old book titled świat marii danuty

inside of bar mleczny

kotlet schabowy

adorabe old clock in vintage store

cute print of fruit with nice frame in vintage store

cute dzień dobry embroidered fabric in vintage store

interior of the vintage store

interior of the vintage store

interior of the vintage store

interior of the vintage store

suitcases at the vintage store

text screenshot who is neil young and what did he do

dorm rooms named after female polish woman i cant remember but imitated being a boy to study

amazing hiking boots with folsky flowers

amazing hiking boots with folsky flower lining

tag on my sweater

tag on my sweater

tag on my sweater

tag on my sweter

tag on my sweater

little pietruszkas and zielone at targ pietruszkowy

zuchinni flowers at targ pietruszkowy

targ pietruszkowy sign

moss on concrete

pretty green and green building

pretty peach and pink building

pretty pink and green building

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from route between kyrnica and krakow from bus

view from hill in krynica

old green school desks in toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

toy muzeum in krynica

kiełbasa from truck with bułka

łempicka painting at muzeum narodowe

bar mleczny lunch with laura and chelsea

japanese lunch set at manghha

bit of text score i like from tadeusz kantor muzeum archive

beautiful old 50s kosz na śmieci on allegro

beautiful wooden szafa on

beautiful garden view from apartment listing

nasz nowy budynek na słonce


pretty room with nice szafa in apartment listing

cool beautiful entrance hallway from ad

cool wooden and aqua kids bedroom from ad

waiting on asnyka street to see apartment, rain, vine-covered apartment across the street

photo of the polish painter nikifor sitting in snow with suitcase full of paintings selling them

p>painting of a woman lying on ground with dog in bakground, forgot the artist

szukamy mieszkania

szukamy mieszkania

text screenshot that says devil estate

szanuj zielen sign

blurry kos from bus window

blurry kos from bus window

blurry kos from bus window

blurry kos from bus window

sign in kos that says status club

google screenshot mystic phenomenal beach

dyptique house spray on hotel bed

view from hotel in kos

nisyros, lunch stephen made

nisyros, church in emporios

nisyros, view on Panagia Spiliani from mandraki seaside path

nisyros, sunset

nisyros, sunset

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, volano

nisyros, driving buggy

nisyros, driving buggy

nisyros, hochlaki selfie

nisyros, nikia stairs wth blue stripe

nisyros, avlaki

nisyros, avlaki

nisyros, view from nikia

nisyros, view from nikia

nisyros, nikia

nisyros, nikia

nisyros, nikia

nisyros, view into volacno from lookout point

nisyros, driving in beach buggy

nisyros, driving in beach buggy

nisyros, sunset

nisyros, choclaki beach path

nisyros, choclaki beach

nisyros, choclaki beach

nisyros, curtain blowing in wind

nisyros, curtain blowing in wind

nisyros, curtains with cherubs on them

on ferry to nisyros

on ferry to nisyros

on ferry to nisyros

on ferry to nisyros

view from ferry to nisyros

hotel in kos

blurry view thru taxi in kos

blurry view thru taxi in kos

celes playing and my foot at lynn late july event at kaje

popeyes at lynn late july event at kaje

view from smith and 9th st station

show at gern

show at lubov curated by reilly and jacque

show at lubov curated by reilly and jacque

show at lubov curated by reilly and jacque

show at lubov curated by reilly and jacque

show at lubov curated by reilly and jacque

big building by chambers street seen from street

carol's/pearware show

carol's/pearware show

carol's/pearware show

press releases at carol's/pearware show

selfie in pehu dress on my last eve in new york

me holding up a pear at the wedding

my foot on dancefloor with other feet and roses at wedding

tiered platter with fruit at the wedding

tiered platter with fruit at the wedding

roses covered in canoli cream on table

my foot by tablecloth at wedding

boys holding up boys at the wedding

me and theo's feet at wedding

canoli tower with roses

canoli tower with roses

canoli tower with roses

frances' gown

david's hand hemmed pants

charles' dog glove

description of charles' dog glove

durian swan dessert at restaurant in flushing

food at restaurant in flushing

food at restaurant in flushing

big bonsai and steaming pond at restaurant in flushing

match soft serve boba

bless vol 2 book

cute buttons on sammie's top

alix standing in the morgan

book on roses book at topos

chris burden book at topos

umbrella in thrift store

painting in thrift store

painting in theo's room

sewing machine in thrift store

dolphin full finger ring in thrift store

window display of frame in art store with poppy print

eliane radigue mini cd

window of gallery in greenpoint clown paintings

window of old venue brooklyn bazaar

beautiful stained glass in bedstuy

in theo's room

candle in theo's hall

flowers in theo's hall

pic in theo's hall

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

sammie's studio

pillbox that says wish you happy

view from sunset

view from sunset

driving down 43rd in sunset

sandwiches with sammie

wino with paige and laura, big sleeve

wino with paige and laura

inpatient press kiosk

piece of cheese pizza


marilia holding up little bouquet some more

marilia holding up little bouquet some more

marilia holding up little bouquet some more

granola and coffee

horoscope for cancer from rob breszny saying how we are too much but some people can and want to handle us while others cant

marilia on stairs taking photo in profile by flowers at jozef czapki pavilion

marilia on stairs taking photo in profile by flowers at jozef czapki pavilion

page from margiela magazine

page from margiela magazine

table showing the words pineapple and cashew in brazilian portuguese and english

maja wachowski sitting on bed in bedroom with gramophone in pozegnania film

polish actress maja wachowski

polish actress maja wachowski

text screenshot that reads this drug contains lactose and sunset yellow

necklaces in window i like - one is a silver four leaf clover, the other is a blue diamond in sparkly casing

selfie in grey shorts

incredible vine-covered kamienica

car that has decal on side that says krakow piano school

blurry pic of my junya skirt

my new grey shorts

brand t di marremma i think stiched in red thread into inside waistband of my new grey shorts

paper tag made in italy on my new grey shorts

selfie in new grey shorts

chłodnik in a bottle in lewiatan

burberry sunglasses in vintage store

beautiful lamp i saw in thrift store thats like cherub child in garden

beautiful shoes i saw at textie house that are split blue and white sling back heels

screenshot from google that reads people also ask, is kiko Kostadinov?

actress from tale of summer by rohmer in white bra and panties

pretty old mansion in podgorze

art kiosk in podgorze

screenshot from google doc where on last day of polish class for this semester we wrote a nice thing about everyone. this is what everyone wrote for me which is basically i have a nice smile, i have interesting stories, i speak polish like a native and i am pretty

text screenshot that reads Event by Reformed Druids of Gaia Poland

screenshot from film hoe of isabelle huppert in white and blue summer dress standing in wheat field

Zamek Niedzica in dark cloudy light

Zamek Niedzica in sepia toned light

Zamek Niedzica drawing old

text screenshot that reads mini camp u baby agi

text screenshot that reads to quiet corner

text screenshot two drop down menus sort by accidentally towards growing

text screenshot through way 502 and the towns of stone and fish

summer house behind trees photo from internet

holding hands with m from ground

mirror selfie in black double breasted dress and white button up

little repaired bit on shoulder of marilia's top

Excercise from my polish class where you have to match statements with answers. This reads Ewa wyjechała i Tomek jest sam and O co jej chodzi?

Wild poppies in błonia

Screenshot of comment from Cocteau Twins' Rilkean Heart that reads This song feels like a message to all those intuitive and overly sensitive people out there, who seem to not fit anywhere in this rationalised and mechanical world

Deck chair at Hala Targowa

Paintings at hala targowa

Screenshot from hal hartley's no such thing with blonde in kind of bondage top

Film club avis

Stick of palo santo resting on red candle alight

Screenshot of rating that says your opinion your opinion coolcoolcool with five yellow stars lit up

Lunch with Julia and Grit

Little vintage yellow taxi

Little vintage cars you can take little Warsaw tours in

Purple flowers on fence at Działkowy no. 168

Działkowy no. 168 little green house

Sign at działkowy no. 168

Bloki with pink accents stretching wide

Heron footsteps in mud

Concrete pier by Wisła

Filip walking on gusty pier

Weird little river swamp area filip took me to, grey sky brown water and gusty trees

Filip's high school!

Cakes and glasses on table from above at Maja's party

Cakes and glasses on table from above at Maja's party

My name card at Maja's birthday party

Statue of Agnieszka Osiecka in Saska Kepa

Snail on wall in rain in Ursynów

Snail on wall in rain in Ursynów

Pink bell flower bush in Ursynów

Stone wall with little windows in Ursynów

screenshot of imessages showing alix and theo both typing to me at 16:41

Weird undeveloped grassy track in ursynów where i lost 20zł

Weird undeveloped grassy track in ursynów where i lost 20zł

Warsaw weekend with M - books on mat at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - someone displaying stuff on the hood and front window of their car at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - paintings lined up on stone stairs at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - old skis and ski boots and other stuff on someone's mat at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - old film projector and other stuff on someone's mat at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - paintings leaning against a tree at flea market

Warsaw weekend with M - flowers and crystal on table where we ate deser

At mariana lalewicza once again - ogrod taty

At mariana lalewicza once again - neighbours houses with red roofs, trees, looks scandinavian and mountanous even though we are just in warsaw

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Sunset in błonia błonia is an artwork walking around today make me want to cry because it was so beautiful and i wish the world was a better place as peaceful and dynamici and free as błonia

Pic of nice sky and tree I took for Theo

Excerpt from lyn hejinian book

Dusk run in błonia

Dusk run in błonia

Inside of młodsza siostra

Little glazed clay figurines on plynth in glaerry

little bell drop flowers in vase on my table

Me in little pauper boy outfit

Girl on vinted that looks like pascale

Knitting in bed

Knitting in bed

Red sweater on some knitting pattern site titled cursed red sweater

Bronowice with marilia, me holding up bouquet marilia made and her pictured from afar

Bronowice with marilia, marilia holding her bouquet she made for me

Bronowice with marilia, marilia picking flowers from tree

Bronowice with marilia, marilia picking flowers from tree

Bronowice with marilia, marilia standing with flowers

Bronowice with marilia, marilia picking flowers

Bronowice with marilia, us standing in mirrored sign

Corner of błonia with lots of yellow flowers in the grass

Me and marilia sending tęsknię back and forth on ig dm

Photo of my great great great? grandma's open casket

Title card of perceval by eric rohmer blue background, couldnt finish film tho

Blue segmented art maybe on mirror or glass from artist in agnes varda's lion love

Old 60s singer with bouffant hair polish lovely face

Tour bus that says comfort class and then a decal of a sunset beach and then decal that reads MARX

Orange-eyed daffodils on my night table

Polish flag painting on wall

Red tram! crossing blue tram

Red tram! crossing blue tram

Red tram! crossing blue tram

Red tram!

Oldish blue tram

Old signs one says restauracja one says jubilatka in nova huta

Food store in nova huta random vegetables on shelves looking cute

Old neon sign in nova huta showing ball dress woman and text markina i think

Google search slowly unfurling ribbon gif

Blurry selfie in blak pants and bra

Screenshot from YSL documentary subtitles read he is the last witness of a past world

Screenshot from YSL documentary subtitles read the memory of a world without memory

Lyn Hejinian I love, Where spring is a major distraction, the potatoes rise among the daffodils

Lyn Hejinian that reminds me of Kate, Now, here is the jolly noon. There is a lilt in telling it. The vision climbs, the response is in retreat. The circle becomes careless as one becomes weary. There is a qua ! qua ! of fleeing geese, while thought is a form of lingering

from Halston doc interior of boutique showing perfume bottles and high heels on red

White tree in backyard with fallen petals on ground

At the photo studio where I got my dowod osobisty photo done

At the photo studio where I got my dowod osobisty photo done

Me holding up my dowod osobisty photo

Grey sky green grass curving river

Sandy apartment blocks and leafless trees

Fav house in zwierzyniec now under construction

Handle on outside gate with curved iron, swirl, line vine

Little shack with roots and moss on roof

Outside windowsills on my street painted peach

Bed in pani basia's house

Kraszewskiego kitchen

text from sammie about turning into an almond

Tree with white flowers in my backyard

Light reflections on building across the street

Me holding my new vintage brass candle holder on street

Branch at my bedside

Branch at my bedside

Selfie with Branch at my bedside and new candlestick

Green herb pots na targu

Edge of tablecloth in marilia's house

Dopełniacz is biernik's mean brother

Blonde woman standing against a wall with shadows of other people reflecting from somewhere

Building with faded old mural on it words seem ot say miraculum

Number 10 tram in Krakow going north from teatr słowackiego, fully stretched around corner

Number 10 tram in Krakow going north from teatr słowackiego, rounding corner further

Number 10 tram in Krakow going north from teatr słowackiego, rounding corner

Number 10 tram in Krakow going north from teatr słowackiego

Me holding up jar of daffodils in my window

Interior shot from Bonjour Tristesse

Title screen green with red text konec the end

The band Trabant

The band Trabant

Word wieś in pink funny font

Me in motylarnia with butterly on hand

Me in motylarnia with butterly on hand

Black butterfly in motylarnia

Marilia on mountain

Natalia magnet that describes me as energetic and smart

Natalia keychain heart-shaped that says Super Natalia

Natalia keychain with girl on it

Still from Piotr Kamler animations

work at MOCAK

work at MOCAK

work at MOCAK

work at MOCAK

work at MOCAK

stormy blue park jordana

my side table with candle in a brown glass bottle

Screenshot of outside of supermarket from Bernadette Corp film

Screenshot of outside of supermarket from Bernadette Corp film

Screenshot of outside of supermarket from Bernadette Corp film

Building very harsh soviet under blue sky with clouds

Windowsill n my bedroom, red flowers in jar and computer playing my c- mix

Julie's beautiful brown outfit from Celine and Julie go boating

Screenshot of my computer screen facetiming with alix

Windowsill n my bedroom, red flowers in jar and computer playing manaam

Pictures leaning against wall in urzęd on kraszewskiego

Green netting covering a building in Kazimierz

Pehu saying you are fucking elegunt

Screenshot from Rohmer documentary showing tape player

Screenshot from Rohmer documentary showing him storing cassettes in old biscuit boxes

Screenshot from Rohmer documentary showing him storing cassettes in old biscuit boxes

Screenshot from Rohmer documentary showing a woman walking down stairs in long blue dress and black slingback sandals

text screenshot that reads simple understandable normal

Pie i made for marilia from above

Pie i made for marilia pictured thru flowers

Bits and pieces on bed, bag, watch, tag

Green netting on building

Sign for dentist that's a 3d tooth

Wawel thru tram window

Wawel thru tram window

Flowers in brown bottle on windowsill

Yellow apartment building in Salwator illuminated in sunlight

Beautiful pink and orange sunset outside Marilia's

Beautiful pink and orange sunset outside Marilia's

Selfie in red light in my room

Blurry screenshot from Walter Hugo Khouri - As Filhas do Fogo

Blurry screenshot from Walter Hugo Khouri - As Filhas do Fogo

Blurry screenshot from Walter Hugo Khouri - As Filhas do Fogo

Blurry screenshot from Walter Hugo Khouri - As Filhas do Fogo

Blurry screenshot from Walter Hugo Khouri - As Filhas do Fogo

Screenshot of internetpublicradio website showing Live Now Inner Most with Natalia Panzer and Echinacea

Photo of Paulina Olowska and Lucy McKenzie in Nova Popularna

I think a restaurant or hotel lobby, has this strip of flam like a hovering fireplace?, photographed through glass, can see other things inside and many reflections from street

Building in Salwator in winter sun

flowers in paper for m

Walk in snow with marilia, green cabin with orange crosses on

Walk in snow with marilia, white rod house cabin with pink painted flowers on it

Walk in snow with marilia, snowy path in park

pehu pants tag brand sensitive

Photobooth selfie in pehu clothes

Photobooth selfie in pehu clothes

Beautiful dots of light on the building opposite my kitchen window

Jan Tarasin's Zachód słonca

Jerzy Nowosielski's Martwa natura z krajobrazem i rondlem

Jan Hrynkowski's Martwa natura

Glasses of kompot at bar mleczny

Overhead shot of a table with two bowls of pickle soup and two plates with kotlet, potatoes, and cabbage salad

Selfie with a red blotch on my face from sitting with my hand on my cheek, what I think I would look like if I got botox

Krakow symfonie pictured through tram window mostly traffic light

Selfie with my hair covering my mouth lying on couch

Screenshot from documentary about Wisława Szymborska's house showing the kitchen hole window looking from kitchen to living room and subtitles that say and designers have designed

Screenshot from documentary about Wisława Szymborska's house showing the kitchen hole window looking from kitchen to living room and subtitles that say window

Screenshot of username that reads kot_przez_plot

Picture in my bedroom looking down onto back garden, sunlight and yellow leaves

Me holding up jar of beets I was eating on the train platform

Train station sign at Iława głowna

Picture of window on train home, simple feeds blue sky

In Korsze, my great grandparents' grave on mum's side

In Korsze, walking to the next village, country house

In Korsze, walking in black outfit on dzień zmarłych

In Korsze, selfie inapple orchid behind Ania's house, holding up bit apple

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house, holding up bit apple

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house, holding up bit apple

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house, apples all over the grass

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house

In Korsze, apple orchid behind Ania's house

Sunset seen through train window on way to Korsze

Lakes seen through train window on way to Korsze

Lakes seen through train window on way to Korsze

Lakes seen through train window on way to Korsze

Beautiful pic of sunset in Sunset Park from Sammie

Old 8 sided nunnery or church under construction wood lit up beautifully by construction lights under scaffolding

Old 8 sided nunnery or church under construction wood lit up beautifully by construction lights under scaffolding

Young Carson McCullers looking nympish

Wish I was part of this crew

Screenshot of Google translate screen that says Today, about thirty minutes ago, at the Old Kleparz

Running lanes covered in leaves by trees near sunset at park by Błonia

Amber decorative items in atrium na Rynku

Table at Kazimierz flea market showing instruments like recorders, harmonicas, a french horn on green felt

Plants twirling up a metal fence

Plants twirling up a metal fence

Text screenshot that reads Strangers on the internet are looking for reasons to trust you,

Text screenshot that reads Hi Natalya

Screenshot of art from YouTube video of Chemical Brothers feat Hope Sandoval's Asleep for Today

Screenshot from pe hu website that says Hello in black and natalya in red and bold

Art I made on pe hu community site with a cyan background

Art I made on pe hu community site with a dark cyan background

Art I made on pe hu community site with a taupe background

Art I made on pe hu community site with a grey background

Art I made on pe hu community site with a olive green background

Tree/bushes outside my bedroom window showing dark purple and green hanging leaves

Pink sunset through train window coming home from Wrocław

Pink sunset through train window coming home from Wrocław

Pink sunset through train window coming home from Wrocław

Celes in Wrocław Głowny

Celes in flower market in Wrocław old town main square

Celes in flower market in Wrocław old town main square

Celes eating paczek in Wrocław

Dark pink budynek I saw in Wrocław

Roofs in stare miasto in Wrocław

Large healthy pathos in atrium in Wrocław

Large healthy plants in atrium in Wrocław

Cathedral in main square in Wrocław during day

Raspberry red velvet type cake cashew cream poreczki desert me Filip and Celes had in Wrocław

Celes on train entering Wrocław

Map of Poland in lavender showing lignite and hard coal areas indicated by a brown or black splotch

Photobooth selfie in deconstructed silk jacket

Filip, Agata, and W on a spiral staircase at Pardon to tu dangling blue wool into the speakers and over stage

Celes at terrible show at Pardon To Tu, from behind, showing distressed sleeve of white tshirt prominently

Perfect glass teapot set I saw at vintage shop in Warsaw

Me and Celes in Warsaw eating eclair

Me and Celes in Warsaw at Museum Narodowe

Me and Celes in Warsaw at Museum Narodowe

Photo of painting at muzeum narodowe of black dress with organza accents on sleeve

Me and Celes in Warsaw

Selfie in old house pink wall

Painting of ballerina seated next to a piano so overly romantic should have bought, very Russian fantasy

Screenshot that reads break the logjam

Screenshot of a bizarre 1990s does 80s does art deco building in Wrocław that Filip told me they want to tear down

Photo of mustard armchair, my flat white, lamp other vintage furniture in the background at Salwator kawiarnia

Selfie in my black suit outfit I wore in Warsaw

Screenshot that reads Dark forests and Normal forests,

Leonor Fini painting Figures on a Terrace showing Victorian-ish dressed woman reclining on a kind of plaza

Text that reads in italics bug bus forever on a yellow background

A donut-ish cloud hanging over Waweł, looking very ominous and cartoonish

Screenshot that reads Encrypted DAISY failed during encryption

Photo of tall yellow flower bush through gate outside coral apartment building in Salwator

Picture of a weird ad I see in my neighbourhood showing a figure with knees pulled up to chest shrouded in a flowing white piece of gauze

Photo of outside of grey building in Salwator with a red zig zag spray paint line under windowsill

Picture of vase on my wooden side table with pink-purple flowers

Screenshot of beautiful brunette in white silky outfit from Cindy Lee video

Picture of my feet and legs in black t-strap heels and brown silk semi-sheer dress white black semi-sheer slip under

Picture of my feet and legs in black t-strap heels and brown silk semi-sheer dress white black semi-sheer slip under

Building with grey, white, and yellow block paint with a horizontal band of shadow falling across this trifecta

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, in neighbourhood next to the cmentarz, in Salwator, showing the Chapel of St. Margaret and St. Judith, an amazing wooden octagonal church structure with a glass-forward spire on top

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, in neighbourhood next to the cmentarz, full of amazing old houses, this one is brown with a curved front piece with windows

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, showing a very old grave, what I think is a grave, but might be a tree only, covered in plants, quite raised, and with a kind of metal scrap with cut-out letters on itat Cmentarz Parafii Najświętszego Salwatora w Krakowie

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, showing trifecta of very old graves, one just a tiny wooden box, one covered in plants but with wooden cross on top, and one stone one that has some pamiętniki but still very grown over at Cmentarz Parafii Najświętszego Salwatora w Krakowie

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, showing trifecta of very old graves, one just a tiny wooden box, one covered in plants but with wooden cross on top, and one stone one that has some pamiętniki but still very grown over at Cmentarz Parafii Najświętszego Salwatora w Krakowie

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, showing a stone grave with a place in the center to put a bouquet, a bit untended but still lovely at Cmentarz Parafii Najświętszego Salwatora w Krakowie

Photo from a long walk I took on July 25, showing a grave half-sunk into the earth and covered in moss and plants at Cmentarz Parafii Najświętszego Salwatora w Krakowie

Landscape oriented photo of sunset at błonia field

Photo from a book, can't remember the book, but the text reads KAMO NO CHŌMEI (c.1155-1216) was a prominent poet, essayist and musician associated with the court in Kyoto. At the age of fifty, personal setbacks and despair at the world led him to take the tonsure and retire to live in a hut beyond the city limits. Here,

Screenshot of Netil Radio online player, blue background white text that reads in an hour It Takes Time w/ Natalia Panzer

Selfie in bed in white shirt and black mini skirt

Screenshot of iMessage on comp showing glitch in discussion with Sammie where my text is overlaid on a photo she sent me in a strange way

Screenshot of top of Retreat Radio website showing me and Theo's show playing

Photo of the obiad my neighbour Pani Basia made me with ziemnaki, kotlecziki, and ogórki

Screenshot on my phone from Woop's Twitch sky event showing woop playing and the chat

Photo from Botanic Garden of the Jagiełłonian University showing sign that reads wejście enterence

Photo from Botanic Garden of the Jagiełłonian University showing long-leaved plant (like long orchid leaves) with pink tips at the end of each leaf, like nail polish in orchid greenhouse

Photo from Botanic Garden of the Jagiełłonian University showing very large-leaved bush/tree/plant, prehistoric feeling, beside outside pond

Photo in Błonia where sky looks lavender

Text fragment screenshot that reads enjoy night life (day edition!!)

Photo of Terre Thaemlitz album <em>Replicas Rubato</em>

Photo at dusk outside my window, showing backs of buildings and trees

Black and white puppy in garden at cafe

Picture of sunset at Błonia

Screenshot of text that reads Błonia - a city park in the form of a vast meadow. Błonia - a city park in the form of a vast meadow (formerly a communal pasture)

Text typed into Google doc, so this is a screenshot, that reads I've kissed each of the four people that texted me today

Photo of me holding a bunch of lavender I got at market and my red bag with some arugula in a plastic box on top, lots of sidewalk

Screenshot of edited text fragment that reads In addition, frequent morning mists

The word SAME spelled out with cherry stems on a wooden table

Sign that shows an image of Saint Rita with the Polish text ŚWIĘTA RITA Patronka spraw trudnych i niemożliwych and in English SAINT RITA The Patroness of Difficult and Impossible Cases

Looking into a cathedral, we see a checkered floor, lots of empty wooden chairs, some hints of pews in the bank, large stone columns, and sunlight shining inside

Beautiful mustard yellow kamienica with flaked off patches under bright blue sky

Screenshot of text that reads What are all fruit names?

Photo of a tiny the most perfect maybe 1960s white car facing with its nose right in between two new silver cars with their noses facing left. Me against the world.

Photo in Błonia field (Pole Błonia?) showing a human-made? natural path (bent reeds and grass) cut through the grass

Screenshot from my documentary titled Ludwinów showing a moth flying up from the sidewalk and two yellow subtitles saying Ludwinów

Photo of Gaudí's garden in Barcelona

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads Autobiography No 18, shows a drawing of a nude woman shown from behind sitting on her knees with her arms outstretched on gridded paper, and below March 15, 1994

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads Then I started playing concerts, which required writing autobiographical notes. I started writing transgressive statements spontaneously. I would talk in the first person, which you weren't supposed to do; I would falsify dates and places; I would invest a life for myself in which, under the cover of casualness and irreverence, I would express my thoughts on society. That's how I came to write inaccurate autobiographies.

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari about being anti-dogma as a transgressive stance

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads What is interesting, I wouldn't say beautiful, but what is interesting about a car passing in the street is the way it describes the house. If we...

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads The play of time and space follows the logical of The Golden Ass by Apuleius: a story linked to another story which contains a story itself linked to yet another story and so forth, so that we lose track of who does what and who is who. It's a different, labyrinthine way of using the autobiography as a medium.

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari about the unfolding of pleasure, the instantaneousness of desire, suddenness and continuity, duality. The last sentence reads The very essence of life is denied precisely by the social, crushed by the play of power. In this multifaceted taboo, pleasure is reflected as an image of triviality.

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads So I wrote different diamond-shaped modes and drew an extremely precise plan according to rules I forgot. But it worked. In fact, it's...

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads ...two; perhaps in a violent way. If I were to let my feelings take over, I would say that I feel at the same time a great desire to live and anger in the face of barbarity. Rebellion, anger, pleasure, softness: what a bitter balancing act, what a loss of balance to the point of risking a fall into despair.

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads ...period of abstraction. I've always thought the point of creation lies in the meeting of ideas that are not necessarily related, because these contradictions bring about difficulties through which you have to find your way

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads life was governed by the rhythm of storms,

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads as a non-critical and openly subjective observer of the fabric of everyday life

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads These interstices are more or less used in loops; the loop itself being a machinic cliché as well as a catalyst

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari that reads April 28, I need 10 words per CD, which means approximately one word ever 7 minutes

From Wim Wenders's Notebook on Cities and Clothes (1989), a model in Yohji's studio wears a white layered dress with slits at the front to put your hands in

Shot of a tower and vine-covered wall in Wawel

Kraków skyline pictured through grates in bell tower in Wawel

Text fragment from Niceshop Su email that reads Niceshop Su is over, Niceshop Su is bold, over is italicized

Screenshot of my Photos app on iPhone showing all the photos and videos I took in Ludwinów

Screenshot of my Photos app on iPhone showing all the photos and videos I took in Ludwinów

Tall apartment block in Ludwinów, Kraków with yellow balconies

Baby pink flowers, large, open, in a garden

The text theoretical peak in white on black background, repeated two times

Screenshot from pdf scan of book almost nothing with Luc Ferrari thats archival photo of Ferrari and dancer Anne-Marie Renaud, caption reads 1990: Luc Ferrari during a rehearsal of <em>Solitude Transit</em>, choreography by Anne-Marie Renaud

Screenshot of text fragment that reads Anna on the neck Markon the arm, typo intentional

Photobooth bust selfie showing my new blouse with red roses on it

Screenshot bush of pink flowers from Zouzou music video

Selfie in inside-out cream Commes des Garçons slip, tags out

Birds-eye photo of table with a bunch of Miron's books laid out, recently purchased

Birds-eye photo of table with Miron's Było i Było on the top of a stack of books and a thank you card from the antiquarian bookstore where I bought them from showing that the order was packed by Filip

Poster for play showing crew members with Muzyka attributed to Filip Grzeszczuk

Screenshot from Polish language game quiz site that reads Congratulations, you've learned everything

Picture of text highlighted on my kindle from Eliot Weinberger's essay China's Golden Age that reads He was a Crazy Poet—the Chinese refer to him as the ghostly genius—who rode his donkey all day and wrote scattered lines that he tossed into a bag. At night, he emptied out the bag and put the lines together as poems, which he threw in another bag and forgot

Screenshot of text fragment that reads Notice how it looks like the imperfective present tense? This is one of many reasons why Polish is confusing!

Screenshot of text fragment from job listing that reads INFINITY School, ul. Stork 6 (Prądnik Biały), 3rd floor, a round log

Screenshot from English grammar blog that reads Examples: The table is wooden. She wore a cotton dress

Photo of children's book in a window display titled Słoneczne Jajo, translates as The Sun Egg, showing a tiny girl with orange hair standing next to a lemon-sized orange fruit

Screenshot of part of a job ad that reads High linguistic competence, ease of editing statements written, pen lightness

Photo of my foot next to a moth on the sidewalk

Screenshot of google search where I typed do moths have feathers

Picture of a young Isabelle Huppert looking 70s and dreamy

Screenshot of subtitle that reads All trees resemble living beings that turn and face you

Screenshot of subtitle that reads What's really hard to discover isn't style, but exceptions

Screenshot of subtitle that reads Only once in a while you came down from the mountains

Tree outside my apartment, trunk pictured with vines creeping up, a patch of light illuminating middle of trunk and vines. Building and blue sky in background

Golden yellow socks for dad, finally done, two months late

Photobooth picture of me at wooden table in a black mesh top holding up my yellow sock knitting a bit blurred coz a bit drunk

Picture of the Philharmonic house in Szczecin

Screenshot from BBC's The Secret History of Writing showing a bit of an illuminated manuscript, I have circled the word 'angelos' or 'angelus' in a red heart in preview

Iconic Max Vadukul photo from Yohji Yamamoto 90s campgain showing model hovering behind a man on the street

Text scrap that reads 'Moss + Lichen fog into space'

Text that reads 'I am there, I know that the other exists, I can be with the other, and I can be without the other, but I know that they exist. I can come back to the other, and I am charmed by the other. It's 'ravishing.'

Archival photo of exhibition When Attitudes Become Form at Kunsthalle Bern, 1969

Photobooth picture of me modeling a black rockabilly dress

man in a lime green shirt looking for something in a lime green car, warsaw

Selfie taken on Photobooth of me sitting at desk wearing a white turtleneck, white button up shirt, and sheer mesh white lynn branded top

Screenshot of English/Polish Google Translate screen. On the left in English 'heart-wall', on the right in Polish 'ściana serca'

Picture of Elodie Lauten's cassette tape 'The Death of Don Juan'

Archival image of Elodie Lauten sitting at piano in elaborate headdress/veil and outfit

Screenshot of text written by Elodie Lauten about her time working and composing in New York City

Two elderly women both in felt hats, one olive green, one dark coral, and heavy vintage brown overcoats are pictured from behind in the street in Warsaw

Photobooth picture of me in profile trying to photograph wearing inside out black pants

Photo of the windows in my window open at night

Up close picture of my apartment frosted glass window from the outside, a lamp blurred, glowing in the window

Screenshot from Hong Kong Community radio audio widget that shows HKCR logo, play button, and text that reads 'UP NEXT: Lynn'

Screenshot of text fragment that reads 'Dwarfs in the Wet West,' in black times new roman

Screenshot of text fragment on green background that reads 'Woolen or nettles, or ducks versus swans' in black times new roman

Screenshot of text fragment on blue background that reads 'A dusty path runs across the sky,' dark blue times new roman italics

Screenshot of Theodor Kittelsen cotton grass painting showing princess collection cotton in a marsh

Screenshot of Polish-English google translate widget that reads 'jeż na nartach' in Polish and 'hedgehog skiing' in English

Image of large Polish świdermajer style house

Screenshot from video about Patrick Desplats showing the opening of a vat of red wine in the ground

Screenshot from video about Patrick Desplats showing him holding up a glass of pinkish-orangish wine in the light

Low branch hanging over frozen pond, some of the branch been trapped under the ice

Two small icon paintings hung on wall beside a bundle of dried leaves in a Greek country church

A very faded painting behind a small vase of dried thyme in a Greek country church

A worn icon painting behind a small vase of dried thyme in a Greek country church

Inside of a Greek country church showing fresco on the side of an alcove

Fragment of text from my cartography chart that opens 'The more flexible you are, the easier this change will be'

Photo of red plant over glass dome at Warsaw University library rooftop garden

Screenshot of credits from 'Toute une nuit' saying 'Natalia Akerman'

Screenshot from a game? saying the sky will forever be a foreign place for me so I desire it more than anything

Selfie Feb 8 or 9 2019

Yma for Lynn top

Yma for Lynn top

Childhood art for Ari

Laurel coding class - shapes i made with css

Laurel coding class - shapes i made with css

sketch in notes app, I think from Johanna

Texts from Wi

Translated writing from Wi

Google translate screenshot showing 'mountain cloud mountain' in English and Italian

Heart-shaped leaf on a tree in winter

Old july40th Insta pre delete

Stevie Nicks

Two ballerina themed earrings on a black background

Screenshot of me interacting with Mel Nguyen's website homepage

Insane red gown via The Dreamstress blog

Old picture of Amy, my favourite, showing her with vinyl or black paint up to her elbows and short black hair

Screenshot of Anna's old website, showing a digital portrait

Lubov performance with Fran and Jo

Lubov performance with Fran and Jo

Lubov performance with Fran and Jo

Lubov performance with Fran and Jo

Photo of a projected screen showing me and F in Lubov, on call with J.O.

Picture of J.O. projected on screen

New Years Day selfie 2018

My portrait by emamouse

kind of my, mine, home